The sleep dance. Cha cha cha. The sleep dance. Clap clap.
The snugli. The vibrating bassinet. Oh yes, and the bedtime soap proven to calm your children at bedtime. The pacifier, the sleep music, the extra loud fan, and the heartbeat soundtrack. The specially woven crib sheets, the carefully crafted slings, the trusty stroller on the grass. The midnight drives, the swaddled burrito, the singing sweetly rock-a-bye-bye. The sleep training regimens, the partial cry-it-out, the go-in-after-15-minutes. Oh wait. That was last year’s recommendation.
We tend to think our children need to sleep more. Maybe it’s because we’re tired and we want to sleep. Or maybe it’s because we need to wash the dishes. Regardless, some parents seem to have a tougher sleeper of a kid than others. Or they’re doing it wrong. I don’t know.
I have no advice. No revelations to share. Not even an inspirational quote. Nope. Just confirmation that sometimes babies don’t sleep. And sometimes they cry. And other times they sleep. When you’re in the car and they aren’t supposed to because your plan was for them to sleep at home when you could sleep with them.
So whether you do the “swivel swivel bum pat. Repeat. Clap above your head. And start again,” revert to the car ride, sleep through the screaming, or sing opera like my dear brother-in-law, rest, or don’t rest, assured. You’re not the only one awake!
Ok - I’m going to bed!
Some sleep well. Others don't.