Happiness is...

-Waking up by my baby’s smile.

-the 10 minutes it takes to clean our current “home.”

-learning to be ok with not knowing where we will be tomorrow.

-accepting my children’s different dispositions and temperaments and not trying to change them.

-watching my son desperately need his Dad and watching his Dad say ok.

-realizing that I have more stuff in this RV than my family even uses.  

-watching my kids play happily together outside creatively just minutes after they fought outside viciously. 

-noticing more and more wrinkles and realizing that it’s a privilege to be getting, well, older.

-watching my family love my children.

-fall scented candles

-wondering what we will do today.

-practicing not rushing.

-watching my girgly girl wear a new dress and my dirty boy run in the mud.

-noticing my kids being kind to each other when they think I can’t hear them.

-keeping my cool when my son isn’t.

-learning that I’m not as good of a parent as I thought I was and trying again.

-watching my kids thrive.  


-a husband that likes me.  Most of the time.



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