One Day
I’ve been forgetting to remember. Please, take a few moments to listen and to watch and to enjoy.
It is a cliche, an overused phrase, and oh so easy to nod and smile and said, yes, today IS a gift, isn’t it?
For a few minutes, at least, will you join me in savouring life and remembering?
We have one day.
One day to snuggle.
One day to dance.
One day to learn.
One day to be loved.
One day to discover.
One day to make a mess.
And one day to wear a crown. A purple paper crown.
That’s all any of us are given - today. Malana marvels at beginning to understand that when she looks at the sky, it will never ever again be that way. She is learning that she’ll never again have the opportunity to undo the unkind words and instead choose to love. Kainoa is understanding that the world is a good, kind place. Unless he takes his sister’s otter. I am learning that I can make a choice to be busy with unimportant worries. Or that I can choose to notice to wonders around me - the extra “the” that my daughter is adding to sentences. The way that my son loves his barking “og.” The dark clouds on that side and the blue sunny skies on the other. The adoration in my girl’s voice when I hear her chatting with her dad. The way she calls him “my man.” The way my boy calls me at night, sitting up in bed, then immediately melts into my arms and falls back asleep when I bring him to bed with me. (gasp!? yes, he wakes up with me daily.) The way that love, at the end of the day, trumps the chaos, the relentless dirt behind the faucet, the yelling and screaming because someone pushed someone, the annoyances that, well, I can’t remember the details of.
So for tomorrow, I make the mental note. I will remember.
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